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1. JavaScript Code can be called by using
A) RMI B) Triggering Event C) Preprocessor D) Function/Method
2. The type of a variable that is volatile is
A) Volatile variable B) Mutable variable C) Immutable variable      D) Dynamic variable
3. 3. A hexadecimal literal begins with
A) 00 B) 0x C) 0X D) Both 0x and 0X
4. The generalised syntax for a real number representation is
a) [digits][.digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]. b) [digits][+digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits].
c) [digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits]. d) [.digits][digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits].
5. When there is an indefinite or an infinity value during an arithmetic value computation, javascript
a) Prints an exception error b) Prints an overflow error
c) Displays “Infinity” d) Prints the value as such
6. When there is an indefinite or an infinity value during an arithmetic value computation, javascript
a) Prints an exception error b) Prints an overflow error
c) Displays “Infinity” d) Prints the value as such
7. Consider the following snippet code
var string1 = ”123”; 
var intvalue = 123;
alert  (string1 + intvalue );  The result would be
a) 123246 b) 246 c) 123123 d) Exception
8. A function definition expression can be called
a) Function prototype b) Function literal c) Function definition d) Function declaration
9. The property of a primary expression is
a) stand-alone expressions b) basic expressions containing all necessary functions
c) contains variable references alone d) complex expressions
10. The JavaScript’s syntax calling ( or executing ) a function or method is called
a) Primary expression b) Functional expression
c) Invocation expression d) Property Access Expression
11. Among the following, which one is a ternary operator?
a) + b) : c) – d) ?:
12. JavaScript is a _______________ language
a) Object-Oriented b) High-level c) Assembly-language d) Object-Based
13. A conditional expression is also called a
a) Alternate to if-else b) Immediate if
c) If-then-else statement d) None of the mentioned
14. A statement block is a
a) conditional block b) block that contains a single statement
c) Both conditional block and single statement
d) block that combines multiple statements into a single compound statement

15. When an empty statement is encountered, a JavaScript interpreter
a) Ignores the statement b) Prompts to complete the statement
c) Throws an error d) Throws an exception
16. Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user?
A) Hide B )  Show C) Visible D) Enable
17. Why so JavaScript and Java have similar name?
A.  JavaScript is a stripped-down version of Java
B.  JavaScript's syntax is loosely based on Java's
C.  They both originated on the island of Java
D.  None of the above
18. When a user views a page containing a JavaScript program, which machine actually executes the script?
A. the User's machine running a Web browser B.   The Web server
C.  A central machine deep within Netscape's corporate offices D.  None of the above
19. ______ JavaScript is also called client-side JavaScript.
A.  Microsoft B.  Navigator C.  LiveWire D.  Native
20. What are variables used for in JavaScript Programs?
A.  Storing numbers, dates, or other values B.   Varying randomly
C.  Causing high-school algebra flashbacks D.  None of the above
21. What should appear at the very end of your JavaScript?
The <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">tag
A.   The </script> B.    The <script> C.  The END statement D.  None of the above
22. Which of the following are capabilities of functions in JavaScript?
A.  Return a value B. Accept parameters and Return a value
C.  Accept parameters D.  None of the above
23. Which of the following is not a valid JavaScript variable name?
A. 2names B. _first_and_last_names
C. FirstAndLast D. None of the above
24. When a JavaScript object is sent to Java, the runtime engine creates a Java wrapper of type
A.  ScriptObject B.  JSObject C.  JavaObject D.  Jobject
25. The JavaScript exception is available to the Java code as an instance of __________
A.  netscape.javascript.JSObject B.  netscape.javascript.JSException
C.  netscape.plugin.JSException D.  None of the above
26. The syntax of a blur method in a button object is ______________
A.  Blur() B.   Blur(contrast) C.  Blur(value) D.  Blur(depth)
27. Scripting language are
A. High Level Programming language B. Assembly Level programming language
C. Machine level programming language D. None of these
28. What is mean by "this" keyword in JavaScript?
A. It refers current object B. It refers previous object
C. It is variable which contains value D. None of the above
29. Choose the client-side JavaScript object:
A. Database B. Cursor C. Client D. File Upload
30. What is mean by "this" keyword in JavaScript?
A. It refers current object B. It refers previous object

C. It is variable which contains value D. None of the above




  1. Inspiring story there. What occurred after? Thanks!


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