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Showing posts from 2018

How to Create Layouts and Themes in Drupal 7 || Rod Martin ||

Teacher: Rod Martin Released: January 22, 2016 Length: 3.1 hours Level: Intermediate Table of Contents  Introduction Welcome What You Need Your Learning Environment Your Site for This Class  Fundamentals Drupal Theming Fundamentals Types of Themes Finding and Evaluating Themes Installing New Themes Making a Simple Theme Adding Screenshots Declaring Regions Adding Features to Your Theme Adding CSS Adding Javascript Adding CSS and Images Anatomy of a Drupal Page  Customizing Customizing Your Theme Coding Standards Template File Overrides Overriding the Core node.tpl.php Theme Developer Module Overrides by ID and Content Type Adding Custom Regions Overriding the Maintenance Page Basic Structures in PHP Conditional Statements Overriding Theme Functions Adding a Variable Introduction to Arrays  Subthemes Base Themes and Subtheming Best Practices for Subtheming Using a Zen Subtheme Project Pages on Drup

Introduction to JavaScript || Brent Laminack ||

Introduction to JavaScript Teacher: Brent Laminack Released: October 14, 2016 Length: 1.37 hours Level: Intermediate Table of Contents Basics Introduction to Javascript First Line of JavaScript Variations on the First Line Alerts and Escapes Variables Variables if..else Arrays for Loops Using Functions Interaction Writing Functions Events getElementById getElementById Exercise innerHTML

How to Keep Drupal 8 Sites Safe || Robert Ring || Ostraining

Teacher: Robert Ring Released: March 14, 2016 Length: 54 minutes Level: Intermediate watch online : Security Announcements File and Folder Permissions Trusted Host Settings User 1 Text Formats Roles and Permissions Honeypot Uninstall Unused Modules Security Review Module HTTPS for Your Drupal Site

How to Use the Views Module in Drupal || Rod Martin || Ostraining

Teacher: Rod Martin Released: August 14, 2012 Length: 54 minutes Level: Intermediate Learn online : Intro Introduction to Views Setting Up The Tutorial Basic A Page with Teasers A Simple Block View Jump Menu Table with Fields Advanced Relationship Filter Exposing Filters to Users Contextual & Relational Filters Creating a Slideshow Multi-Display View Glossary

Design Drupal 8 Themes || Rod Martin || Ostraining

Teacher: Rod Martin Released: April 5, 2016 Length: 2.88 hours Level: Intermediate Version : Drupal 8 Watch online : This class is a hands-on introduction to designing your Drupal 8 site. You'll learn how to customize your Drupal site with CSS, HTML, Javascript, custom fonts and more. To take this class, you should already have good Drupal 8 site building skills, plus a knowledge of CSS, HTML and some PHP. In the first part of the class, you'll learn how Drupal 8's theming system works. You'll see how PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Twig combine to allow you to design your site. In the second part of the class, you'll build your first custom theme. You'll create all the architecture needed for a theme, from the files and folders to the external scripts and mobile breakpoints. In the third part of the class, you'll get a deeper understanding of all the elements found in a typical theme folder and how

Display Suite Module in Drupal | Rod Martin | ostraining

How to Use the Display Suite Module in Drupal Teacher: Rod Martin Released: May 27, 2012 Length: 28 minutes Level: Intermediate Version : Drupal 7 Watch Online : Display Suite module allows you to take full control over your content display. You can use a drag-and-drop interface to arrange your nodes, views, comments and user data. Display Suite provides a predefined list of layouts for easy drag-and-drop designing! By defining custom view modes, you can define how one piece of content should be displayed in different places such as teaser lists, search results, the full node, views etc. While Panels is a very popular module for controlling the layout of your Drupal content,it can be complicated and it's often overkill for many tasks. Display Suite is a lighter, easier option that allows you to easily create custom layouts for your content.Our class on Display Suite shows you how to use it to customize your nodes: Y

How to Build a Drupal 7 Jobs Site || Rod Martin | ostraining

How to Build a Drupal 7 Jobs Site Teacher: Rod Martin Released: April 22, 2016 Length: 1.87 hours Level: Intermediate Watch Online: This class is an introduction to the principles and skills needed to build websites in Drupal 7. This is a practical, hands-on tutorial and you can follow along with every step. During this class, you're going to build a job-posting site. In the first few videos we'll get you set up with a Drupal site. In the second part of the class, you'll learn about content types, taxonomy, content display, image styles and permissions. In the third part of the class, you'll get an introduction to Views, landing pages, blocks, caching and more. In the fourth part of the class, you'll build menus and URLs. In the fifth part of the class. you select modules, test new features, add calendars and explore powerful extra features. In the sixth part of the class, you'll discover and in

Excel with VBA MCQ with Answers

GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE – DHARMAPURI 1.      What is VBA? a)      A Microsoft programming language used to extend Excel functions 2.      What does VBA stand for? a)     Visual Basic for Applications                     3.      What is a macro used for? To automatically complete a series of Excel steps                              4.      What does a VBA macro consist of? B)   Computer code that performs some actions on or with objects 5.      Which of the following VBA windows shows the code of the active object? d) Code window 6.      What stores Excel data? c) Variable     7.      In VB a variable name cannot be more than _____ characters. a)      255                  8.      __ are the programming elements whose value can be changed during the execution of program. b) Variable             9.      ___ Bytes are required for the byte data type in VBA. a)    1     10.    ___ Bytes are required for the inte

MCQ Excel with VBA

GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE – DHARMAPURI 1.      What is VBA? a)      A Microsoft programming language used to extend Excel functions b)      A GUI Excel interface for the novice developer c)      A open-source programming environment that works with Excel d)      A Microsoft programming environment that replaces Excel 2.      2.What does VBA stand for? a)     Visual Basic for Applications                                     c) Virtual Basic for Advanced programming b)     Very Basic Applications                                               d) Visual Basic Applied 3.      3.What is a macro used for? a)      To access programs in Excel                                                                   c) To create buttons and forms in Excel b)      To automatically complete a series of Excel steps                              d) To link Excel files together 4.     4. What does a VBA macro consist of? a)      Excel functions